125 Entertaining Riddles for Kids of All Ages (Answers Included)

Challenge their brains.

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Ready for some brain-teasing fun? Get your students thinking (and laughing) with this great list of riddles for kids with answers. There’s something for all grade levels, but be sure to review these riddles for kids before sharing to make sure they’re appropriate for your classroom!

Best Riddles for Kids With Answers

1. What has a head and tail but no body?

What has a head and tail but no body? A coin.- Riddles for Kids

A coin.

2. Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?

Which letter of the alphabet has the most water? C.


3. What’s black and white and read all over?

What's black and white and read all over? A newspaper.

A newspaper.

4. What gets bigger the more you take away?

What gets bigger the more you take away? A hole.- Riddles for Kids

A hole.

5. What month of the year has 28 days?

What month of the year has 28 days? All months have at least 28 days.

All months have at least 28 days.

6. I go around the world but never leave the corner. What am I?

I go around the world but never leave the corner. What am I? A stamp.

A stamp.

7. I will fill a room but take up no space. What am I?

I will fill a room but take up no space. What am I? Light.- Riddles for Kids


8. I am easy to lift but hard to throw. What am I?

I am easy to lift but hard to throw. What am I? A feather.

A feather.

9. An electric train is heading east at 400 mph. How fast will the smoke blow?

An electric train is heading east at 400 mph. How fast will the smoke blow? Electric trains do not produce smoke.

Electric trains do not produce smoke.

10. What’s a frog’s favorite game?

What's a frog's favorite game? Leapfrog.- Riddles for Kids


11. Kids can make it but never hold it or see it. What is it?

Kids can make it but never hold it or see it. What is it? Noise.


12. What four-letter word can be written the same forward and backward, as well as upside down?

What four-letter word can be written the same forward and backward, as well as upside down? Noon.


13. What word begins and ends with “E” but only has one letter?

What word begins and ends with E but only has one letter? Envelope.- Riddles for Kids


14. If you don’t keep me, I’ll break. What am I?

If you don't keep me, I'll break. What am I? A promise.

A promise.

15. What has to be broken before you can eat it?

What has to be broken before you can eat it? An egg.

An egg.

16. Everyone has one, but no one can lose it. What is it?

Everyone has one, but no one can lose it. What is it? A shadow.- Riddles for Kids

A shadow.

17. What game is dangerous for your mental health?

What game is dangerous for your mental health? Marbles—you don't want to lose them.

Marbles—you don’t want to lose them.

18. The more of this there is, the less you can see. What is it?

The more of this there is, the less you can see. What is it? Darkness.


19. Bobby’s mother has three children: Snap, Crackle, and ___?

Bobby's mother has three children: Snap, Crackle, and ___? Bobby.- Riddles for Kids


20. What has many keys but cannot unlock a single door?

What has many keys but cannot unlock a single door? A piano.

A piano.

21. I’m not in Venus or Neptune, but you can find me in Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus. What am I?

I'm not in Venus or Neptune, but you can find me in Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus. What am I? The letter R.

The letter “R.”

22. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?

The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? Footsteps.


23. What has holes all over but still holds water?

What has holes all over but still holds water? A sponge.- Riddles for Kids

A sponge.

24. What is as big as an elephant but weighs nothing?

What is as big as an elephant but weighs nothing? An elephant's shadow.- Riddles for Kids

An elephant’s shadow.

25. You won’t see me at all in March, May, or January, but catch me once in June and twice in November. What am I?

You won't see me at all in March, May, or January, but catch me once in June and twice in November. What am I? The letter E.

The letter “E.”

26. I have no life, but I can die. What am I?

I have no life, but I can die. What am I? A battery.

A battery.

27. Where will you find Friday before Thursday?

Where will you find Friday before Thursday? A dictionary.- Riddles for Kids

A dictionary.

28. People buy me to eat, but I cannot be eaten. What am I?

People buy me to eat, but I cannot be eaten. What am I? A plate.

A plate.

29. What English word has three consecutive double letters?

What English word has three consecutive double letters? Bookkeeper.


30. What is so fragile that saying its name will make it break?

What is so fragile that saying its name will make it break? Silence.- Riddles for Kids


31. What is at the end of a rainbow?

What is at the end of a rainbow? The letter W.

The letter “W.”

32. What has legs but cannot walk?

What has legs but cannot walk? A stool.

A stool.

33. What is always answered without being questioned?

What is always answered without being questioned? A doorbell.- Riddles for Kids

A doorbell.

Math Riddles for Kids

34. I add 5 to 9 and get 2. The answer is correct, so what am I?

I add 5 to 9 and get 2. The answer is correct, so what am I? A clock. When it is 9 a.m., adding 5 hours would make it 2 p.m.

A clock. When it is 9 a.m., adding 5 hours would make it 2 p.m.

35. Which number stays the same no matter what number you multiply it with?

Which number stays the same no matter what number you multiply it with? 0.


36. Kavita has 3 strawberries and 2 oranges in one hand and 2 strawberries and 4 oranges in the other. How many oranges and strawberries did Kavita have?

Kavita has 3 strawberries and 2 oranges in one hand and 2 strawberries and 4 oranges in the other. How many oranges and strawberries did Kavita have? 6 oranges and 5 strawberries.- Riddles for Kids

6 oranges and 5 strawberries.

37. Bill, Judy, and Dane attended a baseball game together and bought one ticket each. How many tickets did they buy in total?

Bill, Judy, and Dane attended a baseball game together and bought one ticket each. How many tickets did they buy in total? 3.


38. How many times can you subtract 10 from 25?

How many times can you subtract 10 from 25? Once. After you subtract 10 from 25 the first time, it becomes 15.

Once. After you subtract 10 from 25 the first time, it becomes 15.

39. What are eight 8s that add up to 1,000?

What are eight 8s that add up to 1,000? 8 + 8 + 8 + 88 + 888 = 1,000.- Riddles for Kids

8 + 8 + 8 + 88 + 888 = 1,000.

40. Rachel goes to the supermarket and buys 10 tomatoes. Unfortunately, on the way back home, all but 9 get ruined. How many tomatoes are left in good condition?

Rachel goes to the supermarket and buys 10 tomatoes. Unfortunately, on the way back home, all but 9 get ruined. How many tomatoes are left in good condition? 9.


41. When my father was 30 years old, I was 9 years old. Now I am 40 years old, so what is my father’s age now?

When my father was 30 years old, I was 9 years old. Now I am 40 years old, so what is my father's age now? 61.


42. How do you make the number 7 even without adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing?

How do you make the number 7 even without adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing? Delete the S.

Delete the “S.”

43. What comes before 11 and after 15?

What comes before 11 and after 15? 10 and 16. - Riddles for Kids

10 and 16.

44. When Rebecca was 8 years old, her little brother, Bob, was half her age. If Rebecca is 20 years old today, how old is Bob?

When Rebecca was 8 years old, her little brother, Bob, was half her age. If Rebecca is 20 years old today, how old is Bob? 16.- Riddles for Kids


45. What can you put between 4 and 5 so that the result is more than 4 but less than 5?

What can you put between 4 and 5 so that the result is more than 4 but less than 5? A decimal.

A decimal.

46. How many sides does a square have?

How many sides does a square have? 4.


47. If 2 is company and 3 is a crowd, what are 4 and 5?

If 2 is company and 3 is a crowd, what are 4 and 5? 9.- Riddles for Kids


48. When is 1500 plus 20 and 1600 minus 40 the same thing?

When is 1500 plus 20 and 1600 minus 40 the same thing? When it's military time.

When it’s military time.

Funny Riddles for Kids

49. What two keys cannot open any doors?

What two keys cannot open any doors? Monkey and donkey.

Monkey and donkey.

50. What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?

What kind of tree can you carry in your hand? A palm tree.- Riddles for Kids

A palm tree.

51. What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

What two things can you never eat for breakfast? Lunch and dinner.

Lunch and dinner.

52. Which fish costs the most?

Which fish costs the most? A goldfish.

A goldfish.

53. My teddy bear is never hungry. Why?

My teddy bear is never hungry. Why? He's stuffed.- Riddles for Kids

He’s stuffed.

54. Who wears shoes while sleeping?

Who wears shoes while sleeping? A horse.

A horse.

55. Where do you take a sick boat?

Where do you take a sick boat? To the dock-tor.

To the dock-tor.

56. What loses a head in the morning, but gets it back at night?

What loses a head in the morning, but gets it back at night? A pillow.- Riddles for Kids

A pillow.

57. What is something brown with a head and tail but no legs?

What is something brown with a head and tail but no legs? A penny.

A penny.

58. What happens when a sheep studies karate?

What happens when a sheep studies karate? Lamb chop.

Lamb chop.

59. How do you make the word “one” disappear?

How do you make the word one disappear? Add a G in front and it's gone.

Add a “G” in front and it’s gone.

60. What is it called when a dinosaur makes a soccer goal?

What is it called when a dinosaur makes a soccer goal? A dino-score.- Riddles for Kids

A dino-score.

61. What kind of room has no walls, doors, or windows?

What kind of room has no walls, doors, or windows? A mushroom.

A mushroom.

62. What has a neck but no head?

What has a neck but no head? A bottle.

A bottle.

63. What has 88 teeth but has never brushed them?

What has 88 teeth but has never brushed them? A piano.

A piano.

64. What goes up but never comes down?

What goes up but never comes down? Age.- Riddles for Kids


65. You walk into a room that has a match, a candle, and a fireplace. Which should you light first?

You walk into a room that has a match, a candle, and a fireplace. Which should you light first? The match.- Riddles for Kids

The match.

66. If you threw a black stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?

If you threw a black stone into the Red Sea, what would it become? Wet.


67. What building has the most stories?

What building has the most stories? A library.

A library.

68. I have a face and arms but no legs. What am I?

I have a face and arms but no legs. What am I? A clock.- Riddles for Kids

A clock.

69. Why did the golfer put on a second pair of pants?

Why did the golfer put on a second pair of pants? He got a hole in one.

He got a hole in one.

70. Why did the football coach go to the bank?

Why did the football coach go to the bank? He wanted his quarterback.

He wanted his quarterback.

71. How do shells get around the ocean?

How do shells get around the ocean? A taxi crab.- Riddles for Kids

A taxi crab.

72. How do you catch a school of fish?

How do you catch a school of fish? A bookworm.

A bookworm.

73. Imagine you are trapped in a closet with a locked door. How will you get out?

Imagine you are trapped in a closet with a locked door. How will you get out? Stop imagining.

Stop imagining.

74. What is used by others but only belongs to you?

What is used by others but only belongs to you? Your name.- Riddles for Kids

Your name.

75. What did the sea say to the sand?

What did the sea say to the sand? Nothing, it just waved.

Nothing, it just waved.

Difficult Riddles for Kids

76. Is it possible for a woman to go 10 days without sleeping?

Is it possible for a woman to go 10 days without sleeping? Yes, she will sleep at night.

Yes, she will sleep at night.

77. How many animals did Moses take on the ark?

How many animals did Moses take on the ark? Zero. Noah took them.- Riddles for Kids

Zero. Noah took them.

78. Which word in the dictionary is always spelled incorrectly?

Which word in the dictionary is always spelled incorrectly? Incorrectly.


79. When the water comes down, I go up. What am I?

When the water comes down, I go up. What am I? An umbrella.

An umbrella.

80. What would you call a man who does not have all fingers on one hand?

What would you call a man who does not have all fingers on one hand? A man, because humans have fingers on both hands.- Riddles for Kids

A man, because humans have fingers on both hands.

81. A woman called her horse from the opposite side of a river. The horse crossed the river without getting wet and without using a boat or bridge. How?

A woman called her horse from the opposite side of a river. The horse crossed the river without getting wet and without using a boat or bridge. How? The river was frozen.

The river was frozen.

82. You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again, you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why not?

You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again, you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why not? They're all married.

They’re all married.

83. In a single-story house, there is a green chair, green bed, green computer, green couch, green flowers, green carpet, and green table. What color is the staircase?

In a single-story house, there is a green chair, green bed, green computer, green couch, green flowers, green carpet, and green table. What color is the staircase?

There is no staircase. It’s a single-story house.

84. Three men jump into the water, but only two come out with wet hair. Why?

Three men jump into the water, but only two come out with wet hair. Why? The third man was bald.

The third man was bald.

85. My life is measured in hours and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I’m thin and slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy. What am I?

My life is measured in hours and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I’m thin and slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy. What am I? A candle.

A candle.

86. What is white but smells like blue paint?

What is white but smells like blue paint? White paint.- Riddles for Kids

White paint.

87. A woman fell from a 30-foot ladder without getting hurt. How?

A woman fell from a 30-foot ladder without getting hurt. How? She was standing on the bottom rung.

She was standing on the bottom rung.

88. A cowboy rode into town on Friday. He stayed for three nights and rode out on Friday. How is this possible?

A cowboy rode into town on Friday. He stayed for three nights and rode out on Friday. How is this possible? His horse's name is Friday.

His horse’s name is Friday.

89. After an electric train crashed, every single person died. Who lived?

After an electric train crashed, every single person died. Who lived? The couples.- Riddles for Kids

The couples.

90. Amy threw the ball as hard as she could and it came back to her, without anything or anyone touching it. How?

Amy threw the ball as hard as she could and it came back to her, without anything or anyone touching it. How? She threw the ball upward into the air.

She threw the ball upward into the air.

91. Sally’s father has five daughters: Sammy, Stella, Sarah, and Sadie. Guess the name of the fifth daughter.

Sally's father has five daughters: Sammy, Stella, Sarah, and Sadie. Guess the name of the fifth daughter. Sally.


92. What is the fastest way to double your money?

What is the fastest way to double your money? Place it in front of a mirror.- Riddles for Kids

Place it in front of a mirror.

93. If a red house is made with red bricks, a blue house is made with blue bricks, and an orange house is made with orange bricks, what is a greenhouse made of?

If a red house is made with red bricks, a blue house is made with blue bricks, and an orange house is made with orange bricks, what is a greenhouse made of? Usually glass, so plants can grow more easily.

Usually glass, so plants can grow more easily.

94. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? The letter M.

The letter “M.”

95. What has a thumb and four fingers but is not alive?

What has a thumb and four fingers but is not alive?

A glove.

A glove.

96. What has a ring but no finger?

What has a ring but no finger?

A telephone.- Riddles for Kids

A telephone.

97. What comes in many different colors but always ends up black?

What comes in many different colors but always ends up black?

A chalkboard.- Riddles for Kids

A chalkboard.

98. What has words but never speaks?

What has words but never speaks?

A book.

A book.

99. What comes at the end of everything?

What comes at the end of everything?

The letter "g."

The letter “g.”

100. What has keys but opens no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in?

What has keys but opens no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in?

A keyboard.- Riddles for Kids

A keyboard.

101. What has a heart that doesn’t beat?

What has a heart that doesn't beat?

An artichoke.

An artichoke.

102. What has many needles but does no sewing?

What has many needles but does no sewing?

A pine tree.- Riddles for Kids

A pine tree.

103. I am not alive, but I grow; I don’t have lungs, but I need air; I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?

I am not alive, but I grow; I don't have lungs, but I need air; I don't have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?



104. What has one eye but can’t see?

What has one eye but can't see?

A needle.-Riddles for Kids

A needle.

105. If you have it, you want to share it. If you share it, you don’t have it. What is it?

If you have it, you want to share it. If you share it, you don't have it. What is it?

A secret.

A secret.

106. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never thinks, and has a bed but never sleeps?

What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never thinks, and has a bed but never sleeps?

A river.- Riddles for Kids

A river.

107. I start with “t,” end with “t,” and have “t” in me. What am I?

I start with "t," end with "t," and have "t" in me. What am I?

A teapot.

A teapot.

108. What has a bottom at the top?

What has a bottom at the top?

Your legs.

Your legs.

109. What begins with “p,” ends with “e,” and has thousands of letters?

What begins with "p," ends with "e," and has thousands of letters?

The post office.- Riddles for Kids

The post office.

110. I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold me for five minutes. What am I?

I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest person can't hold me for five minutes. What am I?

Your breath.

Your breath.

111. What goes up and down but doesn’t move?

What goes up and down but doesn't move?

A staircase.- Riddles for Kids

A staircase.

112. What has cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water?

What has cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water?

A map.

A map.

113. What can you hold in your left hand but not in your right?

What can you hold in your left hand but not in your right?

Your right elbow.

Your right elbow.

114. What comes down but never goes up?

What comes down but never goes up?

Rain.- Riddles for Kids


115. I’m taken from a mine and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every person. What am I?

I’m taken from a mine and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every person. What am I?

Pencil lead.

Pencil lead.

116. What gets wetter when it dries?

What gets wetter when it dries?

A towel.

A towel.

117. What is always coming but never arrives?

What is always coming but never arrives?

Tomorrow.- Riddles for Kids


118. What invention lets you look right through a wall?

What invention lets you look right through a wall?

A window.

A window.

119. I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I?

I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I?

A barber.

A barber.

120. What can you catch but not throw?

What can you catch but not throw?

A cold.- Riddles for Kids

A cold.

121. What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?



122. What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?

What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?

The future.- Riddles for Kids

The future.

123. What 7-letter word is spelled the same backward and forward?

What 7-letter word is spelled the same backward and forward?



124. What has many teeth but can’t bite?

What has many teeth but can’t bite?

A comb.- Riddles for Kids

A comb.

125. What is made of water but if you put it into water, it will die?

What is made of water but if you put it into water, it will die?

An ice cube.

An ice cube.

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And for more laughs and riddles for kids, check out our favorite grammar jokes and science jokes.